Make sure Energy Services are part of the equation.
Energy is foundational to business and at the core of IoT but energy management is often forgotten. Ensure that you have the “full stack” IoT solution with Triton IoT. Wherever you are in your IoT journey, we can help you get to the finish line.
All Triton IoT energy solutions are all available individually to support customers. However, each solution builds on the other and can benefit from bundling to develop an energy eco-system to power business IoT and operations. Deploying solar can be used to charge EV stations. LED Lighting helps reduce site energy consumption while energy procurement manages prices around the remaining energy usage. Triton IoT is here to work with you on identifying the best opportunities for business, establishing a strategy, and executing deployment.
Contact a Triton IoT agent today to get started.

Electricity & Natural Gas Procurement
Electric Power and Natural Gas prices are extremely volatile commodities. Through alternative supply options to buying from traditional utility options, businesses can more effectively manage the prices being paid while reducing supply costs and supporting green business strategies. With no installation requirements and future contracting, business can be prepared for the future.
There are hundreds of vendors with complicated terms and conditions. In addition, there are geographic limitations to where these opportunities are available and navigating these restrictions can become very complex. Triton Iot utilizes a seamless, end-to-end purchasing app that makes this a seamless and painless experience. Our “easy button” automates the entire buying process by notifying you of market opportunities, managing vendors, and offers one click quotes to contracting with e-sign functionality.
Electricity and Natural Gas procurement services are beneficial to all companies getting monthly utility invoices. If your energy bill is a significant line item on your budget, contact us to guide you to find the right solution and actively manage your spend.
Already using alternative utility service? Find out if your existing service is the right by by simply submitting a copy of your utility bills to a Triton IoT expert.
Electric Power and Natural Gas prices are dynamic and changing whenever a storm rolls in. Take the risk out of future price increases by reducing how much you use. EnergyStart states “Businesses that invest strategically can cut utility costs 10 to 30 percent without sacrificing service, quality, style, or comfort, all while making significant contributions to a cleaner environment.” By investing in the business to retrofit aging infrastructure with limited or no upfront capital to generate immediate savings, avoid compliance issues, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With day 1 cash flow positive projects available, organizations see instant benefits. Upgrades to assets can evenEfficiency upgrades can include HVAC, water conservation, smart thermostats, and others.
Monitor your water usage
Optimizing your building’s water consumption can considerably reduce your company’s operating expenses. Install valve hardware that helps reduce fluctuations in water flow and over oxygenation in the water that travels through your pipes. The process is simple and efficient; these water valves are easy to install.
Leak detection
Water leaks may be the cause for your increased water consumption and if left unaddressed, can wreak havoc. With a water leak detection system, you can prevent a problem before it occurs and with configurable technology, the systems are easily integrated within existing plumbing. Beyond protection, installing leak detection equipment can help save on insurance premiums.
Smart Meters
Get actual meter readings 100x more accurate than traditional meters and easily bill out to multiple tenants
Water Efficiency as a Service
Deploy the suite of water services along with monitoring software to get real-time insights into water usage and alerts on system issues.

Harmonics Filters
What are Harmonics?
Harmonics, originating from non-linear loads converting AC to DC, lead to several detrimental effects. They produce heat and noise, exacerbate electric consumption, and strain electronic devices. Consequently, they cause high electric bills, equipment failures, a heightened carbon footprint, and the wastage of unused kilowatts. These consequences underscore the importance of managing harmonics to maintain electrical efficiency and device longevity.

Sun Fuel Cells/Cogeneration. Storage. Micro-grids.
Co-Generation, Fuel Cells, & Back Up Generators
Better safe than sorry. Produce energy right where it is going to be consumed. By utilizing on-site power generation systems to ensure your energy needs are met if there is a grid failure. Generators can use traditional diesel fuel or natural gas. Fuel cells offer an environmentally friendly way to produce power via an electrochemical reaction and are safe since no combustion takes place.
Want to completely go off the grid? Combine solar, storage, fuel cells, and cogeneration assets on site to act as an energy island. Operate completely autonomous from the grid to eliminate outages and the costs of not operating.
The Process is as easy as 1 – 2 – 3

Submit Your Utility Bills
Simply scan & send your Energy bills (electricity, gas, water, waste) to a Triton IoT Advisor or click on the button below and the team will get back to you with a quote and/or request for more information.
We Engineer a solution & Source Top Suppliers to Find You the Best Pricing
Set up a call with the customer to present savings and/or efficiency opportunities. Learn Energy and IoT services as you go and let us help your journey in the meantime.
We Work with You to Close the Deal
You don’t need to know anything about Energy! Our team of experts is here to assist you every step of the way.
Current US Energy Deregulated Markets

Create a customized energy strategy

Ready to Learn More?
Work with a Triton IoT Experts to find you the best customized solutions to save you money.
Triton Communication, Inc.
Phone: 714-855-4577
Fax: (909) 598-2832
Business Hours: 8a-5p M-F